Final Project

1st Semester
This semester I learned a lot of new things. I learned how to edit picture in photo shop. One thing I learned was how to make a Montage. This was one of the most complicated projects that I learned to do. Then after that one we made logos. The logos weren’t that hard but I was running out of ideas. That was the only problem I had with that project. Then after that we did a stationary. It is a business card, letter head, and envelope. This one wasn’t that complicated because we used the logos from the project before. The people that probably had a hard time were the ones that didn’t do the logos. The last project was the one after Christmas break. It was a holiday project it was on the things we did which wasn’t that complicated.

From the montage I learned how to put pictures together to make a wonderful art piece. My montage was complicated because it was the first project and I think it was the hardest out of all of them. The first 2 montages I did were ugly to say the truth. I knew they weren’t that good, but after those I got an idea how to do it so it was a little easier after that. Therefore, the montage project was the hardest.

The Christmas break project was a little frustrating. It was frustrating because we only had 2 hours to finish it. We had to put a montage, logo, text, and free design on one paper. The free design was so we could do whatever we wanted on that square. The other three were projects from before. Therefore, the thing that had me thinking was to finish before the bell rang. I would of made it better if I had more time.

2nd Semester
Logo #1

Logo #2

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